Securing a Home against High Winds Caused By Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

If you think your home might be at risk from hurricanes and powerful tropical storms, you’ll want to do all you can to ensure that it sustains as little damage as possible should the worst happen. One of the most damaging aspects of storms is strong wind that penetrates the exterior of structures. Wind and the debris it carries can wreak havoc in a home, so it’s vitally important to do all you can to ensure your sanctuary is prepared. A good time to make adjustments to your home with storms in mind is when other renovations are underway, and there are some key areas that you should have in mind.

Roof Protection

The roof of a home can take the brunt of a storm when high winds lash and unleash the full force of its power. Roofs can collapse if a wind is powerful enough, causing tremendous damage, not to mention danger. Trusses should be firmly attached to gable end roofs, to give them the best chance of withstanding gale force winds. Braces should be fastened with suitably long nails and fastened perpendicular to each truss. Shingled roofs are not optimal when it comes to withstanding powerful winds. Cementing shingles can make them more secure, as can utilizing roof sheathing and adhesives. It’s a good idea to ensure that all roofs are in good repair for when storms strike.

Securing Doors

Doors are obvious areas that need to be secured when strong winds are possible. The doors you seek shelter behind need to be strong if they’re to afford you the protection you want when high winds threaten your safety. Solid wood and metal doors are best, so doors of any other kind in an area that’s at risk from severe storms might wisely be replaced. Installing foot bolts, dead bolts and extra hinges can strengthen doors. Garage doors are particularly susceptible to the effects of strong winds, given their dimensions. These doors can be reinforced using metal girds and vertical supports.

Protecting Windows

An excellent way to protect the windows of a home from the effects of storm-force winds is to install shutters that are impact resistant. These can also feature on glass-panelled doors, and afford protection from objects carried in strong winds that might otherwise cause tremendous damage. Shutters should always be securely fastened otherwise they can constitute more of a hazard than a source of protection.

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